The Perfect Storm!

Recently I was given a beautiful and powerful vision. The picture was blue in tone with a glowing white light far in the horizon. Coming up from the horizon and the light, I saw hundreds of thousands upon thousands upon thousands of horses galloping toward me as they passed through me.  I believe this picture […]

Get Ready For The Plumb Line to Fall!!

Over the past week I have been hearing the Lord say to read the book of Amos. As I read, what was outstanding to me, was that things had reached a state where God decided it was time to do something—that He would no longer turn aside. The situation was grave and called for significant […]

Positioned in The Will of God!

There is a Kingdom system presently in operation at the back of all things, having governance over the universe. As earthly systems presently collapse, Heaven’s Kingdom system never fails as it is eternal! God’s heavenly system is perpetually upheld by the will of God. Why do we pray? What is the whole purpose of prayer? […]

We Rest He Works! The Set Time Has Come!

God has been preparing His people for this notable hour of history as the containers and dispensers of His life and His goodness. He has been pouring in the treasures of His Word and soaking us in the anointing of His life in preparation for our appointment in the Presence of the King. Everyone has […]

The Call to Birth the Seed of Elohim!

Men and women in union of mind and heart, in agreement with God, carry the seed of Elohim. The fullness of the Plan of God usually comes first to us in Seed form, infused with the DNA of God, where the seed must be received, cherished, protected, watered with the Word, and cared for until it […]

I Am Coming Down!

God SAW what they were doing at Babel and He came down, He HEARD the cries of His people in Egypt and He came down, and He ANSWERED the call of His prophet Elijah at Carmel, and He came down. The Lord is coming down into this Global catastrophe!