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Positioned in The Will of God!

There is a Kingdom system presently in operation at the back of all things, having governance over the universe. As earthly systems presently collapse, Heaven’s Kingdom system never fails as it is eternal! God’s heavenly system is perpetually upheld by the will of God. Why do we pray? What is the whole purpose of prayer? Is it to receive an answer from a Sovereign God, who is positioned outside of our circumstances, who weighs and considers whether our request is a worthy and righteous one? No! We have been instructed by Christ to pray, Thy will be done! The point of prayer and spiritual communion with our righteous God is that He would move to establish His will in our lives and on earth. God’s will and determination toward our very existence and purpose, toward our families, our cities, and our nations, are fixed and settled in eternity. God’s antenna is therefore tuned to pick up and receive the prayer and intercession from His people that are in harmony and alignment with His Will. He helps us in this by directing us to: …seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33). When we do this everything in our lives, in accordance with His will, falls into place.

Daniel was a man whose prayers were attuned to heaven’s purposes and the will of God. God’s will may look vastly different from ours—from our desires and expectations as to how He should move. God is not moved by our attempts to sway Him toward an outcome we find palatable or satisfactory to our thinking. Eternal things are at stake that we know not of. Far better would it be for His people to humble themselves in brokenness, that they may have the ears that would hear the directives of an omniscient and omnipotent God, and return them to him in supplication from a heart having no agenda other than the will of God.

The heavens do rule, and they will continue according to God’s will, regardless of our attempts to manipulate, besiege or cajole. God changes not. His will is fixed toward a certain end. His means of getting there is immensely and uniquely different than man’s ability to perceive or understand outside of His kindness to enlighten us. His ways and will are higher than ours as He has said. We must attain to the place of understanding that God is perfect that we may trust His ways. He is the only One that is good and all-wise and can therefore make righteous judgments. God knows what He is doing! Every knee must and will bow to His will and His ways of reaching His end.

God always tells us the truth as revealed in His Word—the good, the bad, and the ugly. To ignore the bad and the ugly or be unwilling to acknowledge them and address them, is detrimental to the ability to perceive God’s will, and therefore to implement the actions required.  An army ruled and led by emotion, worldly desires, or its own will cannot represent the Kingdom. We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood whose sole purpose is to love and serve the King in this hour—to serve His will his purposes, and His agenda.

“Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed…continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Philippians 2:12

We are here to do of His good pleasure (KJV). I’m saddened for the narcissistic Christian who believes that the Kingdom revolves around them. It is not about us. It is fully about God, His Glory, and His Will. It is to the one who is broken and contrite in heart, that He will look. With this one, He will work to change history, prepare His way, and usher in His Kingdom reign on earth.

As God now moves in this notable hour to swing open the doors for the work to begin to build with Him, it would be helpful to deeply examine our hearts and motivations, the things we are involved in, whether in business or otherwise, and every aspect of our lives. Bring it all before Him, putting it all on the altar, and without clinging to anything, allow him to remove what He wants to, and keep what is to remain—that which is in sync with His will for our lives. As He has said, eye has not seen, or ear heard what God has prepared for those who love and wait for Him!

I Laid the Foundation Watch How You Build On It!

The spirit of the fear of the Lord is coming upon His church as He begins the work to shake it free of all that offends. Those who are clinging to sin and things He has not ordained for their lives will not be able to build and move with Him in this season. I sensed the Lord say that much that is not ordained by Him has crept into His house unawares, through those with an agenda bent on their desires, who have the need to be right and to defend their positions. As I was praying about this, I heard the word witchcraft. God is about to shake His House to its core so that He can rebuild it according to His will! He is looking for servants like Samuel who will do according to His mind and His heart (1 Sam. 2:35).

God is now setting the stage for a new beginning initiated in August—the 8th month of new beginnings. He is clearing the way before Him for His will to go forth through a people who are fully yielded to Him, to serve Him without any agenda or hidden motives. He is beginning the rebuilding process of His House. God is the Chief Architect and designer of His House. Every detail has been blueprinted by Him and he wants his house built exactly as He has designed it. This is true for the House of God corporately or individually, as each child of God houses the Spirit of God. He does not want our additions, extractions or subtractions to the Blueprint. He has not given us the right to redesign His House according to our minds and our thoughts. He has blueprinted His House within Christ the King and is determined to have His way and His means of getting what He wants. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, it is best to get in line with His desires.

A new breed is rising who will now build with Him, saints who have attained to a deeper level of death in the surrendered and yielded life.  It is unwise to think that we understand the whole counsel of God and can therefore settle to build and organize around what we have been given in the past. To settle to a fixed position is to become imprisoned by it, as God is always on the move. If we are not keeping up, He will prove us wrong in the new thing He is doing! Many have not been broken enough to have the ears to hear, or the eyes to see outside of the grid of their ministry or organization. 

God has moved on from the last decade. What are the dynamics of the new and how do we steward it as Apostolic people sent into this time to serve Him and His purposes? Thinking critically is to get outside of our box, find our place on our face at the Throne of God, and seek Heaven’s perspective. It is vital in the heightened deception of the times, to pursue the continual renewing of our minds and allow our old mindsets to be shattered. A new grid will form and a new level of apprehension in the realm of Heavenly things and the movements of God. 


About The Author

Faith Marie Baczko Faith Marie Baczko is the president of Headstone International Ministries and HVAH—Headstone Virtual Apostolic Hub. Faith is an apostolic, prophetic teacher and author, bringing significant revelation to mobilize, equip and strengthen the Body of Christ for this momentous hour of history. She carries key insights into the profound significance of Israel's place in the purposes of God for the time of the summing up of all things in Christ. She models a life that inspires others to live undistracted and rigorously devoted to passionately pursuing Christ. Faith is an international speaker, and through her ministry and work in South America, she has garnered enduring relationships with pastors and leaders, united in passion for truth that is the foundation of revival. Her books are also available in Spanish.

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