The Trumpet

The Narrow Path Ahead!

I sense God is saying: A narrowing in the road is coming for this generation. I am now narrowing and cutting away to the core, for the full release of your identity in Me. Those who hear, those who acquiesce, those who embrace the knife of circumcision in this hour shall serve Me.

The Great Release of 2022!

Recently, I published a prophetic word where I heard the Lord say: “A FREEFALL is occurring. As corporations go into freefall the enemy is enraged, is mobilizing, and preparing counterassaults. Don’t be surprised as the earth begins to rumble. Hear the sound of rumbling under the surface that is about to erupt.

NEW Prophetic Word

Over these past months the words I have received from the Lord, I have seen through the lens of the season of war we have now entered. The Lord is highlighting the need to courageously address present realities that necessitate having a righteous army prepared for the challenges of the hour.

God is Making You a Sure Place!

The Glory train of Heaven is about to unite with prepared stations where the tracks have been made ready for the final Golden Spike to be driven into place! God’s Golden Spike is about to be driven into sure and anointed places, prepared by God over decades to carry His Glory. “And the key of […]

2022 All Aboard!

After the Fall Feasts of 2021, we shifted into a kairos appointed time, and God began trumpeting the call to get ourselves ready to board His train. I hear the shout ‘ALL ABOARD’ now coming with urgency in December—the Glory train is preparing to depart from the station–the church building. Those trying to bring back […]

Positioned For Glory!

I believe we are now at the beginning of the fulfillment of dreams we have long held dear to our hearts; dreams that are united to the release of God’s purposes in this hour. In 2021, the 24th of Kislev falls on November 27th at sundown. Get positioned and ready for things to begin to […]

Third Day Realities!

Three is a very significant number, used repeatedly to represent the sublime work of the Cross that covers the spectrum of death to resurrection realities. Recently the Lord has begun to highlight the Third Day and third-day realities evidenced by the Cross.

The Year of Release!

Today in preparation for the Year of Release and the Great Cross Over into a most notable season of history—a time of promises fulfilled, and destiny realized—a new breed is arising for this historic moment, ready to conquer and occupy lands for the Kingdom of God.

Come Alive!

In the coming days God will need His people, His army, to be manifesting the fullness of Christ and who they are called to be, to fulfill their destiny in Him. The times require it! the days demanded it! The earth is groaning in travail for it. Will you answer the call? Will you rise […]